What a production the Royal Wedding was! The pomp, the red & gilt-coated ushers, the brass bands, live swans, incense, Latin chants and silly hats –and that was just the Book Elves’ party here in the Cataloging Cave.
Of course, if we’re making a list we might also include the cartons of nachos, dozen kegs of beer, three wide-screen televisions (two of which survived the festivities), obscene limerick contest, and two live badgers that got loose on the hors d’oeuvres table...
But before the Book Elves maxed out all their credit cards and re-created Westminster Abbey in quarter-scale using only matchsticks and rubber cement, they finished our latest catalog-
Books on the Fine and Decorative Arts, Antiques,
Design & related subjects is now ready for viewing!
You can see the entire catalog,