The silent winter fog steals in,
River’s breath, the color of gin;
Creeping, peeking,
Oozing, sneaking,
Stealing through the iron branches;
Icy water drip drip drip.
The barn was there,
And now it’s gone;
Smothered, swallowed, by the gauze.
Silvery, silken puffs just linger;
Cottony death,
with ice-cold fingers.
Now up above
The sun cracks through,
Shooting golden, molten hues
Cotton ghosts dissolve and flee,
Barn and tree and I are free
To see the last cold fingers die.
While overhead
the first hawks fly.
Still, even in the dead of Winter, which is where we are right now, there are signs of Spring. It has gotten dark noticeably later the past week or two, and outside the kitchen windows there are swelling buds on the Japanese maples. Can the 4th of July really be all that far away? I suppose it’s time to start planning the garden.
Good poem!
I hope your bookblog venture goes well. If I remember to tomorrow I will send a post to BI about easy ways to keep a blog-reading list, and maybe other people will join in with tips as well.
Is the comment thing now standard on Blogger, do you know? My Blogger blog dates back a few years and they weren't then, and the one I have embedded seems to have been taken over by spammers....
You can now chose a number of options for comments; the default is to allow them, but not to allow non-Blogger registered folks to comment, which is designed to cut down on the spammers.
i haven't as yet had a problem with spammer comments...or any comments besides yourn. 8(
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